Trudging through your NR / Damaged claims daily & still missing full receivables?
Trudging through Reimbursement Claims processing all day long?
Slow and complicated refund process makes it a nightmare across website/portal
Frustrated with existing capabilities of reporting tools such as Excel, etc.
Reduce dependency on human reporting specialists, reduce team size
Aggravating to deal with refund declines due to data collation errors.
Refund processing negatively impacts day-to-day business
Unable to drill down your existing MIS/reports across product, region, warehouse,
department, category, sub-category, and/or SKU.
Flash-track processing, maximize claims and reduce declines
Automate returns claims processing, covering:
Non-reimburse-able charges: i.e. GST, fixed fees, gateway charges, fulfillment charges, etc.
Different types of return cases - not received, damaged box,, product damage, empty box, lost in transit, missing accessories, seal opened, used, wrong product, etc.
Deep-dive claims analytics across dimensions such as: portal, category, sub-category, warehouse, SKU and even price slabs
Increase accuracy of claims & Reduce refund declines
Collect unclaimed refunds owed to you & Reduce your losses