One view across Sales, Marketing, Advertising & Supply
Success story
Here is a summary of a client success story that leveraged
the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help them get answers
from their data and enable them to take control.
Client / Pain:
Top 3 Fast-growing B2C Food Retail company in India
Had an operational dashboard. Missing Marketing and
Advertising integration and insights.
Low Advertising ROI and unable to capture operational
performance anomalies timely affecting resource utilization
(advertising, marketing, people, inventory, cash-flow),
logistics, and brand
How helped:
Consolidated data from multiple sources into a single
unified dashboard
Delivered answers to their marketing and advertising
hyper-local needs. They know now what's working for each outlet
across a mix of promotions, advertising, marketing and consumer
Provided real-time triggers for their performance
anomalies across Marketing, Advertising and Operational
dimensions that they have not seen in other BI products.
Key Take-aways
Advertising ROI: 20% increase
Data-to-Dashboard: Reduced time by 99% from 7 days to
+1 week: Data unified across multiple sources
+2 weeks: Multi-dimensional Marketing Dashboard live
+1 week: Dynamic Performance Triggers live
+1 week: Track part-level profitability from a Supply
perspective. See demand/supply trends in seconds!
AI is a powerful enabler!
Insights that used to take days and weeks, can be done in
minutes and hours now.