Single Source of Truth across Sales, Marketing &
Success story
Here is a summary of a client success story that leveraged
the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help them get answers
from their data and enable them to take more control.
Client / Pain:
Leading Mumbai-based Real Estate player leveraging their
digital first-mover advantage
Data scattered across multiple sources including CRM,
SAP, other data sources.
Had an operational dashboard via non-BI tools. Weak 'Big
Picture' outlook
Looking to reduce dependence on IT to get MIS and
performance analytics
Cumbersome Tracking Actual vs. Target sales performance
How helped:
Consolidated data from multiple sources into a single
unified dashboard
Data-to-Dashboard enabled them to completely reduce IT
dependence for their data management and reporting needs
Delivered next generation visualization and AI-driven
analytics to enable better 'answers' from their data.
Can easily measure sales performance (Target vs Actual)
in 1-click
Key Take-aways
Reduced IT dependence: +100%
Report generation and data visualization: Reduced time by
99% from 7 days to minutes
Uncovered Digital Influence ROI: +430%
Tightened sales performance assessment
1-click integration with Online Ad platforms
AI is a powerful enabler!
Insights that used to take days and weeks, can be done in
minutes and hours now.