Boost Sales performance from under-performing sales team
and distributors
Are 20% of your sales team
delivering results, while the rest, 80%, are not?
What if, these 80% have access to information that matters
for customers(dedicated customer dashboard for salesperson and a
standard script that performs)? Interested?
Are you facing these pains with your
sales team and/or distributors?
Inconsistent sales performance across sales team members
Unpredictable sales script messaging across your sales
team to your dealers and customers
Scattered information across many reports
Targets being missed due to operational inefficiency
Weak sales forecast for customer, region and products
Delayed or hard-to-find order history, dispatch and
payment details
Haphazard dealer access to leads and/or orders
Under-utilized incentive schemes
Benefits that boost Sales team /
distributor performance:
Consistency of sales performance across sales team
Standardization of sales script so even low performers
can improve their sales percentage
Every salesperson gets a sales push dashboard with a
dedicated panel for each customer containing:
List of customer stated items/requests
Expected sales orders with product details
Advanced sales forecast for the customer and the region
across product
Information about past and current orders, dispatch
status, payment details